Tata Laksana Lalu-Lintas Untuk Menanggulangi Kemacetan Kawasan Pasar Kapasan Surabaya


  • Petrus Kebo Universitas Yos Soedarso
  • masliyah masliyah Universitas Yos Soedarso


Kapasan roads are prone to traffic congestion due to the high level of activity in the market and irregular parking of vehicles, which has the potential for congestion to occur. So from these reasons the authors are interested in controlling Traffic Management to Overcome Congestion in the Kapasan Surabaya Market Area. From the Traffic Management analysis, it is known that the actual road capacity is 1,135 Smp / hour, the degree of saturation is 0.9 and the increase in speed is based on the research of 16 Km / hour. The service level for the Kapasan road section is at level C. 


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