Probabilitas Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Antara Bus Trans Gerbang Kertasusila Dengan Ka. Komuter Rute Porong – Waru


  • Masliyah Masliyah Fakultas Teknik Universitas Yos Soedarso
  • Ricky Lautfiandana Fakultas Teknik Universitas Yos Soedarso


Travel actors are faced with several alternative modes of public transportation in carrying out transportation, where the various public transportation services that exist today are increasingly diverse and also transportation service users are increasingly diverse and also transportation service users who are increasingly selective in choosing which alternative mode is the most profitable to use. as a means of fulfilling their needs, as happened in the Porong area. Public transportation modes that can connect Porong, especially with the city of Surabaya, include the Trans Gerbang Kertasusila Bus and KA modes. Commuting. The choice of mode that occurs between the two modes is strongly influenced by the characteristics and reliability of the mode concerned.Therefore, this study aims to determine the factors that influence the choice of mode, determine the characteristics of the user and get the probability value of choosing the transportation mode of the Trans Gerbang Kertasusila Bus and KA. Commuting route Porong - Waru.Data collection was obtained from a survey with 144 respondents, using stated preference techniques, by making several changes to the conditions in the attributes of travel costs, travel times and departure schedules, besides data collection was also obtained by each agency regarding the Trans Gerbang Kertasusila Bus data and KA data Commuting.Based on the results of statistical tests that have been carried out, it can be concluded that the three factors, namely travel costs, travel time and departure schedule significantly influence respondents in choosing the mode of transportation, while the probability value is obtained from the utility difference equation between Trans Gerbang Kertasusila buses and KA. Commuting on a fee basis.The cost of the trip is (UBr - UKA) = -0.906 + 0.001. ∆x1, it is known that the value (PBT) is 0.75 and (PBT) is 0.25. At the time of difference in utility, train travel costs. Commuting is more expensive Rp. 2,000, -. Based on the travel time (UBr - UKA) = -0.152 + 0.066. ∆x2 is known to be the value (PBT) 0.86 and (PBT) 0.14 when the difference in utility between commuter train travel time is 30 minutes longer and based on the departure schedule (PBT) -5.049 + 0.014 ∆x3, the value (PBT) is 0.13. and (PKA) 0.87. At the time of departure utility increment is 225 minutes.Keywords: Mode Selection; Travel Actor; Bus; Train.


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