Lawrence M. Friedman stated that to create an ideal regulation is to fulfill the components of the substance of the law (substance of the rule), structure (structure) and legal culture (legal culture). As a legal system, the three components, namely legal substance, legal structure and legal culture can be actualized. Prevention and overcoming the dangers of narcotics can be preventive, repressive, and curative. Illicit trafficking and narcotics abuse at this time does not only occur in big cities, but has entered rural areas in the country.The problem of drug abuse prevention is the responsibility of all people, everywhere in the country. Drugs are a class of drugs, substances, or substances, which, when they enter the body, affect mainly brain function (central nervous system) and often lead to dependence (addiction). There is a change in the wearer's consciousness, thoughts, feelings and behavior. The substance that is swallowed, enters the stomach, then the blood vessels. If inhaled or inhaled, substances enter the blood vessels through the hood and lungs. If injected, the substance enters the blood directly. Blood carries these substances into the brain. The brain is the body's control center. If work changes, all the organs of the body also have an effect.Through a caring attitude, prevention of various crimes, juvenile delinquency, security, peace, harmony, will be easily created. With this caring attitude, the motto that, "Prevention is better than cure", will truly be proven in the case of the use of illegal drugs. Key Word: Narcotics Crime, SocietyReferensi
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Peraturan perundang-undangan:
Undang-Undang No.35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika pada Bab XIII pasal 104-108
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