The criminal investigation agency received information that there had been a robbery at the Mawar Putih housing complex in Kuranji, so investigators along with identification officers went to the scene of the incident. The number of perpetrators is not yet known, but among them are sharp weapons and several people have managed to get into the suspect's house with ease. Conditions in the dark house make it difficult for robbers to find the item they want. Resulting in one of his friends touching an object on the table in the form of a can of bread, so that, surprising his friend who was first inside, one of the robbers thought that it was a State instrument. As a result, a robber broke in and was impaled. Finally they realized that what they had stabbed was their own friend, so the robbers panicked and fled, before they fled the weapon used to stab their friend left at the Crime Scene (TKP). Revealing crimes is the main task of police agencies, as investigators both in Indonesia and in other countries, the problem is more than that to reveal crimes investigators must know where and how they started their activities in order to achieve their desired goal, namely to reveal a crime. In order to obtain material for evidence in a crime case, the investigator must seek and collect information as complete as possible from witnesses who have experienced, seen and heard the incident of the crime, in addition, the investigator at the crime scene when he comes to the scene of the case must examine and collect signs and traces of the incident including fingerprints.In this case, the writer is of the opinion that the minimum provision of proof (two pieces of evidence) should be fulfilled by the presence of a certificate regarding the fingerprints (documentary evidence) plus the existence of a Dactyloscopic expert's statement as one of the evidence. However, starting from the Elucidation of Article 183 KUHAP which is connected with Article 191 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the assessment of evidence and conviction that the defendant actually committed the crime is left to the judge to determine it.Fingerprints have very high effectiveness as evidence for clues. This is because everyone has different fingerprints, and these fingerprints from birth to death will not change. In addition, only with fingerprints the police can determine a suspect. However, this has problems if the fingerprint is damaged or lost, so that the fingerprint can no longer be detected. Key Word: Fingerprint, EvidenceReferensi
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Peraturan perundang-undangan:
Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana
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