The extension activities must coordinate with related agencies regarding the socialization of the dangers of drugs, the Health Office regarding the impact of drugs on health for school children. P4GN Socialization with material about the dangers of Nakoba and motivations to stay away from drugs through a strategic approach that already exists in the reference of the BNN and the Police as law enforcement agencies providing assistance to matters of enforcement and regarding threats to parties who are trafficking and consuming drugs.This thesis legal research method is also commonly referred to as normative legal research or library research. It is called normative legal research because this research is only aimed at written regulations so that this research is very closely related to the library because it will require secondary data in the library. In following up on existing reports from the public, the drug investigation unit conducted raids in accordance with existing reports. Because drugs are not the case alone, there is a network of informants. If there is information, then they carry out raids, demolitions, arrests.The raids are carried out directly so that evidence is not lost because the perpetrator can dispose of the evidence. When the suspect is surrounded and arrested, then taken to the police station, which must be accompanied by witnesses, be it the village head or the local government. In the raid, everything at the scene of the incident is secured, then a search is carried out on the suspect's confession to develop where he got the drugs.The implementation of the P4GN policy includes the interpretation, organization and application stages by raids in schools. From the interpretation of programs that target students, namely information dissemination, advocacy, the formation of anti-drug cadres, and empowerment of anti-drug cadres in schools  Key Word: School Raids, Prevention, Arrests, and Rehabilitation of PerpetratorsReferensi
Buku :
Hari Sasangka, SH.,MH, Narkotika dan Psikotropika Dalam Hukum Pidana, Penerbit Mandar Maju, Bandung, 2003.
Philipus. M Hadjon dan Tatiek Sri, 2005, ARGUMENTASI HUKUM, Yogyakarta:UGM pers.
Peraturan perundang-undangan:
Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Acara Pidana
Undang-undang No. 35 Tahun 2009 Tentang Narkotika